On 27 June 2014 18:08, Marco Calistri <marco.calis...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:

> Dear Richard,
> I opened a bug some time ago but I am sure nobody have take it to verify:
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=880869


You're wrong to think that no one has paid attention to this issue.
I've been looking at the bug, but haven't commented on it because I
don't have the hardware to reproduce the issue, and because the logs
simply that the issue might actually be a hardware issue - there seems
to be regular notifications hitting gnome-settings-daemon that 'state
is now charging'

I've searched upstream for similar bugs, but the closest I have found
were closed as INVALID because the issue was deemed to be local issues
with broken/misbehaving batteries in peoples laptops.
But without similar hardware of my own, I'm in no position to suggest
that - so I'd rather leave the bug 'untouched' rather than push it in
either direction

Are you sure your batteries are happy and healthy? Have you been able
to reproduce the problem with different batteries installed? do you
have a similar laptop with the same issue? Cant you add the same logs
to the bug?

ps. I get that you're frustrated, and I sympathise, I really do, but
please can you sympathise that working on openSUSE is something I do
in my spare time as my hobby. The repeated broad statements, the doom
and gloom, and general malaise that fills your last paragraph really
discourages me..and such discouragement makes it harder for me to work
with you to find a solution for your problem. I know it can be tough
when something is broken, but try and keep your chin up and work with
us rather than tearing us down, please?
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