Il 27/06/2014 17:09, Tobias Mueller ha scritto:
> Hi.
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 04:02:56PM -0300, Marco Calistri wrote:
>> I'm frustrated because in my personal opinion Linux in general is 
>> getting worse in terms of user usability comparing it to Microsoft 
>> software and this frustrate me enough.
> That's fair enough.  I suggest to channel that energy into making
> things better.  Not worse by being inappropriately offensive on Free
> Software lists.
>> Beside GNOME3 and poor (or totally broken power-management if you 
>> prefer) I can also add Bluetooth among the things that are getting
>> worse or are totally broken and it is not just a frustration, but a
>> fact!
> That may be true.  Very well so.  Fortunately, you're dealing with
> Free Software. Not only can you attempt to fix it yourself, you can
> also hire someone to do it. Even better: You can redistribute the
> changes to your community. Generally though, expecting things to just
> fix themselves is not going to work.
>> If the power management problem is an hardware problem, why on
>> Windows 7 I don't notice it?
> I don't know.  But hypothecically, a driver can paper over the broken
> hardware.
>> If the problem is limited to just some brands or laptop model, why
>> it is not documented into the opensuse Release Notes?
> Probably because nobody did it.  Are you volunteering for the next
> release?
>> I doubt instead that it is the product of big changes happened
>> recently into Linux not just at kernel level but also inside DE
>> (Gnome3 especially) as well as may be due to the scarce interest to
>> develop a better power-management for laptop.
> I have glanced over the archives of the relevant mailing list
> <> I
> couldn't find any post from you.  I suggest to reach out there. In
> case you haven't found it yourself, yet, I suggest having a look at
> this page (although it seems to be a bit outdated) 
> <> 
> <> also looks
> interesting.
> Good luck, Tobi


I never want to be offensive for anybody personally or via email or
phone call as well as wont be for free software list users or free
software developers.

May be I appear as you wrote above but your definition is far away of my
real will and intentions.

I keep using Linux in general and Opensuse on particular because I like
free software and *nix operating systems in general but this doesn't
mean that since I like something I will praise it unconditionally, on
the contrary: more I like something more I pretend and I would it being
error and defect free.

I have not time nor the claim to correct this kind of problems on my
own, I hopefully wait for someone which could correct by reading mine or
even others users complains or bug reports.

Some time it happens and problems went corrected, sometime not and
problem appears again, release after release, this is the life but not
for this I will cry nor I will offend somebody, if it not works in Linux
I try with Microsoft Windows or may be I don't make anything and let it
go, it depends.


Marco Calistri (amdturion)
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