On Wednesday 29 September 2010 10:54:02 Adrian Schröter wrote:
> Am Montag, 27. September 2010, 15:09:33 schrieb Andreas Jaeger:
> > On Sunday 26 September 2010 17:23:01 Carlos Ribeiro wrote:
> > > Jos,
> > > 
> > > Yes, we already did piratepad for the obs 2.1 draf for announcement,
> > > http://piratepad.net/VXa1B1xryD
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I suggest to explain what obs is right at the beginning of the text  - I've 
> > added a bit now but it does not fit in.
> > 
> > Also: The new features you mention are all features from 2.0.  
> > I suggested to add these features in a prominent way:
> > 
> > * enhanced web user interface: creation of submit requests; source history 
> > and 
> > showing of commits
> This sounds a bit too technical to me. Maybe market this like 
>  "wiki like code editing with OBS 2.1" ?

me likes. Will put it in. But is it really about code or about the .spec files? 
Can you give a wee bit more info?

> We developed also the idea to market OBS as "Gläserne Fabrik", which 
> translates
> to "Transparent Factory", but direct translation would be actually "Glas-like 
> Factory".
> While I like the german term very much (it is used by Volkswagen to talk about
> their factory where everybody can see how his car is produced, so most german 
> technical
> people know it already) the english translation is less appealing to me.
> Maybe someone here knows a similar term in english ?

So it is about the transparancy of the process you mean?

> bye
> adrian
> > * Source services allow checkout from svn/git with tar up, download from 
> > remote sides
> > * Read access control for package sources.
> > 
> > I would mention also the install methods, the new installation media that 
> > installs OBS on a fresh system directly, the appliances, the public 
> > build.opensuse.org as well as OBS is an Open Source project
> > 
> > I suggest to not use bullet points but instead announce three features and 
> > make a paragraph for each one.
> > 
> > Could you rework this further, please?  Feel free to catch me on IRC,
> > 
> > Andreas
> > 

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