
 I've shared that because that's my own concerns. In a way what I mean
is, Libre Office is going to have a very tough job ahead. oo.o has a
strong brand and has made some quite amazing work. While for people more
close to free software, this issue has a very own meaning, for all the
audience outside the free software, and open office was present, for
example, when I bought my ticket to the openSUSE Conference, the agent
was actually running open office 1.1!. I'm pretty that old lady wasn't
aware of our cultural movement.
 My concerns on marketing are mainly around those people, because people
connected to free software, aren't exactly lacking the information the
others are. 
 I hold nothing against either sun or libre office. I did used Libre
Office for my presentation. For me it's quite transparent. But for
example from school I get loads of microsoft documents, even my own
teachers push them to me... I require good compatibility because I'm not
preaching the word to my teachers... 
 Those are problems to everyone outside. I didn't meant to be attack,
but for me as a marketeer (or future one), those kind of issues are
things that are interesting... of course I do like to follow them,
there's always something to learn.

 For where it's published, I do not know. It's probably as hard for you
to understand some of my perspectives as it's hard for me to understand
those that are more friendly to you, because in way, we have different
prisms to look for.


On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 00:37 +0200, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> Hi all,
> A while ago there was a blog by Nelson on LibreOffice. I had a quick look and 
> thought 'Ok so you don't get the dynamics of Free Software huh'* but didn't 
> think about it otherwise.
> Then the blog was selected as one of the articles in the Weekly News, put 
> together by the hard work of Sascha and his team. Which tickled of some rough 
> feathers at the LibreOffice camp - as you can imagine after reading the blog. 
> There was a link to an article putting down the LibreOffice efforts (part of 
> openSUSE!) - in an 'official' openSUSE news article!
> So, I don't really want to discuss the blogpost itself - it's the personal 
> vision of Nelson and I get the point he was trying to get across).
> Even if his critisism was completely founded and sensible, the question I 
> have 
> is: should it have been in the Weekly news? That is actually something Nelson 
> can surely comment upon: does it make sense, from a marketing perspective, to 
> put your 'dirty laundry' (internal discussions and critisism) out to the 
> world 
> if you don't have too?
> Frankly, I have had this discussion in KDE as well - some argued that even on 
> Planet KDE, critisism did not belong. Planet, as they saw it, was a 
> communicationchannel OUTWARDS. If you had critique, say it on a mailinglist 
> or 
> in private, use planet for positive comments. I disagreed with that - imho 
> planet is for community discussion and personal views, hence should be open 
> for critisism.
> But for something like the weekly news, I think it might make sense for the 
> team doing it to think about what their purpose is - yes, informing the 
> community. But those part of it or very close most likely do follow the 
> planet. The weekly news is most likely read by users further away from the 
> project and journalists and such - who don't have to be bothered by 
> infighting 
> or bad news ;-)
> Yes, I am saying the Weekly News is a great marketing asset - and hence 
> should 
> be treated as such.
> Comments? As usual, feel free to disagree and fall all over me now - but 
> please end it with a hug :D
> Jos
> * so the blog was about the marketing side of the fork. Sure. Still, it was a 
> bit clueless - indeed, from a marketing point it's not smart to create two 
> projects - from the Free Software dynamics pov it's the best thing that has 
> happened to OpenOffice in years and it should've happened years ago... 
> Marketing is clearly secondairy here. And yes, I imagine it would be fun to 
> see the marketing battle. From a FOSS perspective - I just hope it won't take 
> LibreOffice long to win.
> Link to the blog in question:

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