On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Bryen M. Yunashko <susero...@bryen.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-03-26 at 11:31 -0700, James Mason wrote:
>> I don't know how cheap is cheap, USB thumb drives, preloaded with the
>> Live images, would be an awesome takeaway.
>> There are tons of options out there, but a few shops like usb007.com
>> offer a basic thumb drive w/ screen printing at $4.99/unit . I'm in
>> the process of getting a more firm quote, and a description.
>> - James Mason 'bear454'
> That's still pretty pricey. :-(
> T-shirts, USB sticks, even geekos and penguins, are all very pricey
> things and restricts our ability to give out to more people.  We have to
> be judicious in who we give items to.  And that's always a difficult
> decision, as sooo many people want them and you just don't want to say
> no.  :-)
> If you figure about 40-50% of total attendance giveaway at any event,
> the costs can spiral very quickly.
> We should be looking for things in the $1-$2 range.  That doesn't really
> give us many options though, I know.

I'd rather give a $5 to every 5th person than a $1 item to everyone.
Plus, some of our market segments are covered for (nearly) free.  I
plan to have a small space at LFNW for doing penguin & geeko origami.
The paper costs ~$5 for 100 pieces, and a single laminated sheet
provides the full instructions.  Some people don't know the product; a
promo DVD is ideal for them, something of slightly higher value may be
in order for longer-time users or advocates. Its a great way to
reconnect, say "thank you" to the users, and generate buzz :)

> The trick is to find something that people will actually want, rather
> than cheap junk.  Buttons are a nice idea, people can reuse them.  Do
> people actually care about them?  (up for discussion I guess.)
> Removable geeko tattoos are also a cool idea and much cheaper.  But
> they're one-time use items.  Good idea?  Probably not.
> It's not going to be that easy to come up with some nice goodies at a
> cheap price.  I have been researching about once or twice a week for the
> past 2-3 months and still have not found something overwhelming that we
> just gotta have it at that price!   But I'm sure with all our minds put
> together, we'll come up with something uber-cool and well worth the
> costs.
> Bryen
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