On 25.10.2011 Rajko wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 25, 2011 01:50:38 PM Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> ...
> > > What I would like to see is who, when, how made it.
> > > People worked on it {Release manager, Teams (coders, packagers,
> > > documents writers, artists, testers) and all numerous upstream
> > > projects. Tools used to build and test.
> > > Features included.
> > 
> > Yup, that's a good point. We always thank "all contributors" but
> > should mention tools there too. The list of features - that's what
> > we work on on here, help VERY MUCH appreciated as it's not easy
> > and a lot of work: http://ietherpad.com/12-1-release-notes
> > 
> > Making a list of people and upstream projects - well, if you think
> > you can do it, please do... It is possible but quite some work.
> :
> :)
> Being specific is fading with distance from project and release
> manager.
> Teams will be named as teams with links to their pages, and reader
> will be pointed to collective list of teams in the wiki, just in
> case we miss someone.
> Numerous upstream projects will stay just that, numerous upstream
> projects. We can try to list web pages of all software included in
> openSUSE in one or more wiki pages and refer to
> http://en.opensuse.org/Upstream_projects , which should be
> relatively easy task to extract from rpm files.
> Someone with access to all files, please step up. What is needed is:
> Project name - home page.
> There is also a category of special thanks to people that did big
> things, which can be given outside release notes, as series of
> interviews with prominent guys. I have in mind custom interviews
> bound to topic, like systemd, Tumbleweed, OBS, Packman, Gnome and
> other major components. In those interviews they can give
> attribution to other people involved.
> There is secondary effect of such interviews, they will keep
> attention to openSUSE longer then just release days.

Not disagreeing with anything but I'm extremely busy, so are many others 
and have a big list of things to do. Unless you can do any of the things 
above - they won't happen ;-)

See our http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Launch_Checklist - feel free to 
add tasks with your name on them if you think you can do it...

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