Le 10/11/2011 16:56, Roger Luedecke a écrit :

I really really dislike connect.

don't know who choosed it

Kablink is a far superior replacement to the current system used for connect.

the fact that kablink is the opensource part of a Novell project is good.

However, may be the moment is not well choosen to discuss this, given the 12.1 release. For example, I have no time to study this more right now.

What I would like would be to discuss this back in a month (or may be in early January), when every body will have lot of time before working on 12.2.

I also think that we should have a test install available. In anyway, such a hudge change have to be done with a lot of cautions, comments, discussions as it's a real pain to do and certainly can't be done too often.


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