Apologies for the cross posting, but I want to be sure to get as many 
interested parties involved possible

I'm volunteering to co-ordinate an openSUSE stand at FOSDEM this February

I have to confess to being a FOSDEM beginner, but I know enough that I'm 
getting myself involved in a big thing, and I'm going to need help.

Even if you're not coming this year, I especially welcome advice and guidance 
from FOSDEM veterans. What worked in previous years? what do I need to know? 
what do I need to avoid?

To have a stand, we need to have our proposal in by 12th December.
For both days, FOSDEM can provide either one or two 1m80 x 80cm tables, with 2 
chairs per table.

We'll need at least 2 people to man the stand, though the more the merrier, and 
the less time we'll each have to spend working the stand.

As it's a big event my plan is to ask for 2 tables, but I need to have an idea 
of how many of you will be willing to help make our presence at FOSDEM felt

So if you're coming to FOSDEM, and would like to help out, please either reply 
to me directly or ideally to the opensuse-marketing mailing list

If any of you who work in NUE are coming to FOSDEM, please let me know, we 
might need your help to ferry goodies and stuff from SUSE offices to save on 

Many Thanks

Richard Brown
openSUSE Ambassador

Richard Brown
Systems Engineering Team Leader
City College Brighton and Hove
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