On Fri, 2011-12-02 at 07:34 +0100, Pascal Bleser wrote:
> On 2011-12-01 12:19:09 (+0100), Henne Vogelsang <hvo...@opensuse.org> wrote:
> > On 01.12.2011 00:07, Richard Brown wrote:
> > > I'm volunteering to co-ordinate an openSUSE stand at FOSDEM this February
> > Cool :)
> > 
> > > Even if you're not coming this year, I especially welcome advice and
> > > guidance from FOSDEM veterans. What worked in previous years?
> > * Bring the Touchsmarts, people like to grope things.
> > * Bring 12.1 DVDs, stickers and folders, people like to snatch things.
> > * Bring Beer and T-Shirts, sell them for 1€ and give the proceeds to
> >   the university. They will love you. (Pascal knows whom to give it to)
> > * Have 2 guys, you can rely on at any time, to be on the booth. People
> >   like to wander off into the awesome program. One minute it might seem
> >   that you have a gazillion people on the booth and the next one it's
> >   deserted because RMS speaks.
> True, but I'd even plan a bit more than 2 people if possible.
> Thing is, there will probably be around 400 sessions during the
> weekend, with more than 20 in parallel at all times and, hence,
> it's very likely that people will want to see a few talks as
> well. Ideally, have people check the schedule once it's
> available, find their "must see" talks, and make a schedule.
> Only gotcha: the schedule will be published really late (that's
> inherent to the way FOSDEM works, projects arrange their own
> schedule for the devrooms).
> Henne, as you won't be able to be there (*sad* :(), will someone
> else take care of travelling with the openSUSE stand and
> touchsmarts and stuff from Nürnberg to Brussels, as usual ?
> Are you coordinating on the Nürnberg side of things, or is
> someone else ? If so, whom ? :)
> > * Try as hard as possible to avoid that people leave their shit on
> >   the booth. The corridors are narrow, the boths are small, there are
> >   more and more people each year. If they all leave their Jackets,
> >   laptops and bags on your booth there is no room to operate anymore.
> Well actually, we (FOSDEM) will move the stands to a different
> location, into a new building, which means that the corridors
> won't be narrow :)
> It won't be a lonely spot either, as there are several
> interesting devrooms in that building, as well as one of the
> main track rooms.
> > > what do I need to know?
> > 
> > * You get two tables and a couple of chairs in a windy corridor
> No windy corridor :)
> > * It's friggn cold and drafty
> Not any more :)
> > * Don't try to plan anything, it's chaotic.
> Yeah, it's definitely a *very* busy place, with insane amounts
> of people going around, and most of them will be people who
> already contribute to FOSS projects, so they're more likely to
> ask what's specific about openSUSE as compared to others, how the
> community is working/like, about OBS, openQA, etc... -- rather
> than "oh, what's this Linux thing ?" ;)
> > * Have Pascals number on speed dial. He's the man.
> I'll broadcast it around to a few people who will go to FOSDEM
> in due time. Generally speaking, exchange phone numbers before
> going there, because you don't just randomly run into the people
> you want to see, it's too much crowd for that :)
> > * Get drunk as early as possible :-)
> Be *very* careful at the beer event on Friday, or with belgian
> beer in general, and I'm not kidding, it's really strong stuff.
> Actually, I rather had in mind that we (openSUSE people going to
> FOSDEM) will coordinate to go some place for food on Friday
> evening, before going to the beer event and then possibly some
> quieter place too. I can take care of arranging things, but I
> will need to know how many people will show up.
> And we'll prolly do the same for Saturday evening too.
> (No one is forced to, just a proposal :))
> I'll send an email to the project list in due time (mid
> January).
> > > what do I need to avoid?
> > * Belgian "Beer". At any cost.
> Well, definitely consume with great care, it's not the kind of
> coloured water they sell in Germany ;)
> I recommend Tripel Karmeliet, Delirium Tremens, Kwak, ... :D
> Oh, and if you haven't booked a hotel yet, definitely do that
> ASAP. Due to the large amount of people, and Brussels being a
> tourist and business hot spot anyway, several hotels are already
> booked out.
> For low budgets, one option that works surprisingly well is
> couch surfing: http://couchsurfing.org
> As of which hotel to pick, it's not that important as the venue
> is a little bit off the historic center and you'll have to
> travel by public transport or cab anyway (not an issue,
> explained at http://fosdem.org/2012/transportation)
> If there are any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with
> me, by email or on IRC (I'm "yaloki" there).
> cheers

If possible could someone bring a monitor with at least DVI in,
preferably HDMI? Reason I ask is that the ARM team should be able to
have a unit to display, running openSUSE ;-)



Andrew Wafaa
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