On Tue, 2011-12-06 at 17:48 +0100, Gregory Zysk wrote:
> On 12/04/2011 02:53 PM, Manu Gupta wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I think its the perfect oppurtunity for everyone to start working on
> > openSUSE Magazine.  We all have been interested but the idea got lost
> > somewhere since none of us had enough time.
> >
> > One of the results of GCI was design for the magazine. While printing
> > of the magazine maybe very expensive. I think we can create this
> > magazine for inviting new sponsors to the project and also for the
> > upcoming openSUSE Conference.  So printing a few 100 copies and
> > sending it across should not matter but thats upto Jos to decide.
> >
> > Please have a look at the design, I will soon set up it in the artwork
> > repo for openSUSE and if somebody can do that for me, it will be great
> > as I have bandwidth and speed limitations as of now. Patches are
> > always welcome :)
> > http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7174228
> >
> > Thanks a lot.
> >
> I am sorry, but I have to interject on this. Manu, I have seen you do
> this times before and it is really bad taste. This is not your
> initiative, but N.B. Prashanth's and Stella's idea, which was initiated
> at the Marketing Hackfest in Nuremberg after the oSC. I know because I
> was in the original list of correspondence for this initiative and also
> have been tracking it since I believe Prashanth's idea was a very good
> and unique.
> If there is anything that needs to be changed in this project more than
> anything it is the killing of initiatives by certain members of this
> community, only to use it later to their own benefit. So, Manu you have
> absolutely no right to take credit for this as it is not your idea.
> I would request that this matter be looked into by the election
> committee and all others to verify that the candidates are campaigning
> on their own merits rather than trying to steal ideas to make themselves
> look better.
> Sincerely,
> Gregory

I agree that anything that pushes an idea forward is a good one, but I
also do feel that there are certain projects that get a rubber stamp in
exchange for electoral support, the key factor will be how well these
ideas fair after the election process.

Talking about Brochures and such would it be possible to make some kind
of Application Catalogue - Perhaps just a collection of posters that
follow a similar layout and colour scheme but advertise the features of
a particular product such as LibreOffice / KOffice /AbiWord GNumeric or
Amarok, K3B and others, I am looking after the Christmas period to be
pushing openSUSE and its derivatives into Public Youth Hostels with a
view to taking over the management of their public computers, switching
windows for oS and as such I need lots of promotional material to put on
walls, have attached to the side of the machines and such other
information, but rather than just a mish mash of information collated
from the public domain, to have it all done with official colours and

A while back I was discussing getting some kind of poster made to
promote 12.1 I don't know quite where it got upto as I have been
distracted, however I have nearly finished with this current semester at
uni and whilst of course have work to do over the semester break, I am
trying to catch up with the marketing team to promote ideas I have and
engage community support to push them forward.

Kind Regards
Stuart Tanner
Bolton Linux

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