On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 19:46 +0100, Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> Raul didn't you mix the two polls ?
> As I now I didn't edit them (why would I do that?)
> And unfortunately, marketing seems to stay away from project :-(
> !!! Please only reply to the mailing list !!!!
> Yeah I know with some mail client you have to edit the to & cc field,
> but do it!
> -- 
> Bruno Friedmann 

Bruno brings up a very good point.  I'm noticing with increased
frequency lately that people are doing "reply-to-all" instead of
"reply-to-list."  Unfortunately, web clients for example don't seem to
support "reply-to-list" functionality, but most mail clients do.   If
you are using Evolution, for example, please use "ctrl+l" instead of
"shift+ctrl+r" (which is reply-to-all.)   

It makes threading broken and harder to keep track of a discussion

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Project

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