Am Thursday 15 March 2007 schrieb Michael Matz:
> I don't see what the build team has to do with that.
> Are you really making the case for not writing comments?  I can't believe
> that.
There are things on earth harder to believe - say Matz before 9 on a 
thursday :)

I'm not speaking against comments but against having a policy to reject 
packages without comments. Because rm calls are no special than sed calls
or grep -v calls or _anything_ hacky. But as others said: what is hacky lies 
in the eye of the reader/writer, so I don't want to see that in a policy. 

"Packagers should have a clue what they're doing or document they have none" 
is as good as it gets for me :)

Greetings, Stephan

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