On Sep 2 2007 00:18, Pascal Bleser wrote:
>> On Sep 1 2007 16:22, Paul Elliott wrote:
>>> Name:               peless
>>> Summary:    Tabbed text browser
>>> Version:    1.156
>>> Release:    19%{?dist}
>>> License:    GPL
>>> Group:              Productivity/Text/Utilities
>>> Source0:    http://download.berlios.de/peless/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
>>> BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
>>> Packager:   https://developer.berlios.de/projects/peless/
>> Get rid of "Packager", "Vendor" and "Distribution"; they are
>> provided by the build system (depends on the build system).
>> Especially since you are the packager of the rpm, and not peless.

(packman could really adhere to that too)

>And if you're just using rpmbuild, you can set the packager like this:
>echo '%packager John Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' >> ~/.rpmmacros

And if you are using lbuild, oh well, you need patches first.

>> %debug_package is missing. Well, people normally do not need it, but editing
>> the specfile is something I would like to avoid, in case it seems necessary.
>You *must* add it (good practice).

It's not done for kernel-<flavor>, and there, it's a good thing not do so :)

>Furthermore, with %debug_package, rpmbuild will strip the binaries (and
>store the debug symbols into the -debuginfo subpackage).

Someone explain me the Fedora idiocy to implicitly add %debug_package on every

>>> %install
>>> rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
>> mkdir "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" here
>Neither. no need to mkdir it.

This is 'needed' to avoid races outside lbuild. I can't find it, but it was on
lists.opensuse.org once.

>Do NOT use rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT because it potentially creates a race


>> Do not strip, this makes it impossible to build a debug package.
>> Also, the build system will strip.
>Exactly, or %debug_package takes care of it.
>Also, rather use the macro %makeinstall, which does this:
>%__make DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" install

So what's the point of all the macros..

>>> %clean
>>> rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
>%__rm -rf "%{buildroot}"
>(but I'm being pedantic here ;D)

Yeah, sounds really redundant this %__make and %__rm.

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