On Oct 4 2007 17:44, Stephan Kulow wrote:
>> >libelf-devel conflicts with libelf0-devel. Where is your point?
>> Ah ok, I did not see libelf-devel since I was looking for
>> lib*[0-9]-devel*.rpm. Ok, I try again, with a better package example.
>> But not all packages follow the curl scheme, e.g. libxfcegui4:
>The library is named like this? Check your "shouldn't it be all like in 
>debian" reference:
>  http://packages.debian.org/etch/libxfcegui4-dev
>You really need to come up with better examples! :)

Aaaargh. :p
Ok, look at libHX10-devel, that's definitely the right example.
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