On Tuesday 04 December 2007 23:42:32 wrote Christian Boltz:
> Hello,
> I have an interesting question: Which dependencies should I set for
> Postfixadmin? (package is postfixadmin-svn in home:cboltz, specfile is
> attached for easier access)
> Short summary:
> - Postfixadmin is a PHP web interface, used for administration of
>   virtual domains in postfix
> - it can use MySQL and PostgreSQL as database
> Now to the dependency problems:
> - php-mysql and/or php-pgsql? One of them is always unused, but you
>   never know which one in advance (from RPM's POV)
> - Should I require MySQL and/or PostgreSQL? You never know which one is
>   used, and accessing the database on another machine is also possible,
>   so technically none of them is really needed.
> - Should I require Postfix? Sure, Postfixadmin is used to administrate
>   it, but it's the same as with MySQL: It could run on another machine.

I would go with Recommends: in this case. Installing with YaST/zypper would 
install them, but you can deinstall the packages without breaking 

> Postfixadmin also comes with a vacation script, which needs a
> user "vacation" and some additions to the postfix config.
> - should I create the user "vacation" in %pre?
> - if yes, should I delete it again in %preun? How to avoid this on
>   package updates?
> - is it a good idea to add some lines to /etc/postfix/master.cf auto-
>   matically ("grep vacation master.cf || cat some_lines >> master.cf")
>   or should I let this to the user?
> Other packaging questions:
> - setup.php is installed by the package, but needs to be deleted to make
>   Postfixadmin work. Is there any special trick how to handle this in
>   RPM?
> - any other comments on the specfile are also welcome ;-)
> I'm quite sure there is no "perfect" solution for the above questions,
> but some hints about good practise would be welcome.
> Regards,
> Christian Boltz


Adrian Schroeter
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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