Peter Flodin wrote:
> On 5/3/06, houghi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is my belief that it is stated that the English wiki is the project
> master, and all "important" pages should be kept in synch by the
> language maintainers.

true. but kept in sync mean nothing important must lack.

and I very concerned by the fact (better say my sentiment)
that most important pages of the english wiki are a mess
:-(( - the dowload page being the worst example.

with the arrival of the 10.1 stable, we must anticipate some
affluences and make the things smarter.

> I think that it is crucial that all the wikis keep the same look and
> structure, but I am not sure that anybody is actually proposing that
> they shouldn't be. Some experimentation must be allowed, if what Jdd
> has done is a good thing, then we can incorporate it, otherwise I
> think it should be reverted.


> It is a Wiki, it is dynamic, that's part of it's power. Anything
> changed can be undone.

absolutely. But in fact very few people dare do so, and with
ages, pages become worst because small patches are coming.

of course any change hurts somebody (sorry :-() but not
changing is dying :-()


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