As we all know and many complain about, the wiki is quite hard to find
things in.

This also hinders contribution, because if you can't find something in
a disorganised mess, for one you are not even sure what to contribute,
as it hard to figure out what is missing or where to put it, and new
contributors are unlikely to radicly change the structure to fix it.

The frontpage is also a hard thing to start on, and like makeup, it
can only hide so much of what is underneath.

So it is up to us, and now is as good a time as any to get the wiki
into shape, with some structure and clarity.

The most important sections (I believe) are downloads and documentation.

I have started with http:\\\documentation and will
continue on each major section linked to from that page, I have
already done some reconstruction and moved some pages.

A good page for anybody to help is the page
You can simply find Howto type articles currently in the wiki and link
to them in the correct section, or because it is wiki, create links to
howto articles that should exist. It might be enough to spur someone
into writing a new article.

So join in and help, offer constructive.
Peter 'Pflodo' Flodin.

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