On 7/17/06, Jonathan Arson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This absolutely IS SPAM ... anything linking to a link farm is in my book
spam ...
Now tell me how this user should be allowed to link LINK FARM on
opensuse.org on the pretext of doing it in his home dir...

I agree. The issue right now however is that the comment on that page
is also not acceptable: "...i don't care that this is your user page
you still are on opensuse.org and i would consider this NOT to be
acceptable content.--John_Arson"

Says who! John Arson the Vigilante? Under what authority? Because he
believes so. This would lead to chaos, if we continued this way. It
makes it personal, would lead to escalation as people get offended.

This comment should have been neutral (this user may have what he
thinks is a valid business model, and is a SUSE user with useful
contributions), the message should be that he is welcome but not his
links. I would have put a comment as follows:

Please note that the links you recently added have been removed as
they breach the Terms of Site for commercial solicitation. The Terms
of site are available here: http://en.opensuse.org/Terms_of_Site

Of course I suspect that we will never see this user again, and it was
created just to create links to his sites, to improve link ranking in
Google. But that should never be the assumption when dealing with

We must have a friendly inviting atmosphere on our wiki, this means
that a code of conduct applies to us regulars just as much as the
newbies, in fact more because we have no excuse.

Peter Flodin.

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