On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 09:36:27AM +1000, Peter Flodin wrote:
> My point however was that wiki guideline enforcement should not be
> personal. eg "I deleted this because I don't think it should be here"
> type comments. They should only be enforcing published guidelines, if
> there are no guidelines you can't really blame the contributor.

OK, with that I agree.
> >Without asking the person, you have no idea what the reason was he placed
> >those links there and only the openSUSE.org webmaster has the right to
> >remove them (and the user, if need be)
> You talk about rights. 

Because that is where the URL brought me. ;-) Either you edit a page, or you
don't. A userpage is still a bit different, I feel. Even if editing it
might be possible, I would consider that 'not done', unless you are the
webmaster or have any other authority or have explicit permission from the

So yes, I talk about rights and I feel people do not have the right to
change users pages unless permission or by authority.

<snip more things we agree on>


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