On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 01:45:32PM +0200, jdd wrote:
> Rajko M wrote:
> >In this case problem was that it was personal page, for any other I will
> >remove links without thinking a second. The way it is done tells that
> >this guy has experience with posting such rubbish to wikies. He posted
> >where it will hold the longest, until we discuss the matter.
> >
> things may even be worst. Once deleted, the text is not 
> really deleted but archived (see history).
> I don't know for sure if the robots can index the oldest 
> pages (I hope they can't).
> only the site admin can delete entirely the page (or the 
> history) and this is not trivial AFAIK.

So we come back to what I posted earlier. If you feel there is abuse on a
personal page, you inform the webmaster and he should decide what should

I could put the source of libdvdcss on my page. That would most likely be
I could link to spamsites, should that bve removed?
I could link to porn sites. How about those? What about linking to my own
site? What if my linking to my personal website is only to get my rankings

For a personal page, I would prefere it to be inpossible for others to
edit it andhave the sysadmin, a comity, the abuse department or some other
official(s) decide what should be doe if a complaint comes in for a
personal website.

For that to be working, there should be rules of what is and what is not
allowed on these *personal* pages.

 If God doesn't destroy Hollywood Boulevard, he owes Sodom and
 Gomorrah an apology.

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