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On Mon, 17 Jul 2006, Rajko M wrote:

> Thanks for the mail Anniyka.
> I'm sorry to disagree, and the reason is that guys trying to boost their
> rankings on search engines using wikies need just what you proposal
> gives them, the time. They count on that they will be removed and later
> is better.

Well, I know that, but as I pointed out, the person has to prove that he 
is only there for ranking. Someone who is willingly to work has the right 
to express himself.

> The best that we can do without breaking the glass is to give site
> administrators the tool, our agreement written in policy, to remove such
> content, and if user is persistent his/her account too.

Removing the account is easy, just write something about unused accounts 
will first be inaktivated and later on deleted.

> In this case problem was that it was personal page, for any other I will
> remove links without thinking a second. The way it is done tells that
> this guy has experience with posting such rubbish to wikies. He posted
> where it will hold the longest, until we discuss the matter.

I understood this, but I really think, that the Problem is, that the 
person has the right to do so but he looses the right by just using the 
community for himself what is just beeing inaktive.

I think, a solution here would be, someone can put in links on his 
personal page as he want, but without activity the links will just filtert 
out. That's in addition to the inactivation and removal above.

greetings anniyka

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