On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Frank Sundermeyer wrote:

> > First of all, I really enjoyed the revised designs! But there is one 
> > thing, that I'd like to bring up for discussion: Do you guys actually 
> > like the icons? IMHO they should be a bit smaller. In addition to that 
> > I have the feeling that we aren't following a clear style when it 
> > comes to icons. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we are kind of mixing 
> > different icon sets (that use different color palettes) on the front 
> > page? Some of them tend to look KDE-like. Others don't.
> well, I am no designer - somebody create a nice, consistent set of icons 
> for openSUSE and everybody will be happy to use it ;-). I just took what 
> I found at http://en.opensuse.org/Category:Icons and btw, I do not think 
> they are too heterogeneous.

Yeah, we need designers... desperately ;)

> > On the splash thingy: How about using a white background? Looking at 
> > http://www.wikipedia.org/, we could just use openSUSE as a heading + 
> > the geeko/openSUSE logo in the middle of the page and group our 
> > different languages around them.
> Already did that as a very first draft for a splash screen and didn't 
> liked it. Anyway, here it is: 
> http://www.suse.de/~fs/opensuse/splash_white.html

That's nice! How about using a bigger openSUSE logo? And maybe adding some 
stats on each wiki (like "1000+ pages") below each language, using smaller 
letters of course.

We could also try to place a direct link to download.openSUSE.org on the 
splash / portal page, to always highlight the latests version and get 
people to download openSUSE!

But adding a seach box to it is much more important IMO :)


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