On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 01:50:55PM +0200, Frank Sundermeyer wrote:
> So maybe linking directly to
> http://en.opensuse.org/Released_Version#Downloads_SUSE_Linux_10.1
> is what you want?

Yes, something like that, but then on a page by itself. That should be all
there is on the page Download (with two or three extra links). As KISS as
possible, because that will be how people who want to try it out will
percieve how Linux and/or SUSE is.

The above on a single page would enhance the feeling of easiness a lot.

A way on how not to do it is the Debian site. ;-)
Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done,
and why. Then do it.
        -- Heinlein : Time Enough For Love

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