
the new skin for the wiki is finally ready ;-).

The new skin requires to update or create the following pages:

- left navigation (MediaWiki:Sidebar)
- right navigation of home page (MediaWiki:Mainpagerightcolumn) ->new
- home page
- copyright notice Novell (MediaWiki:OsNovellCopyright) ->new
- copyright notice Community (MediaWiki:OsCommunityCopyright)

In order to make it as easy as possible for you translators, I have set 


On this page you will find a table with links to all files in your 
language that need to be changed/created. Apart from the copyright 
files I have tried to already set them up with cut & paste.

Please proofread them - it is very likely I have made mistakes. Once you 
have proofread all five files, please change the entry in 
the "Proofread" column to "!yes".

I would like to propose next Tuesday (September 18th) as a deadline - 
this would allow us to deploy the skin at the end of next week 

If you want to, you can now translate the two copyright notices. If not, 
leave them as they are (English).

* The pages that already exist on the current wiki (home page, sidebar 
  and OSNovellCopyright) have been set up on the test server 
  (en.test.opensuse.org). Once the new skin is live, these will be 
  transferred to production via cut & paste.

* I have already set up the new pages (Mainpagerightcolumn and 
  OsCommunityCopyright) on the production wiki (marked by the 
  external link icon in the table.

* The right navigation bar will automatically be applied to the wiki's 
  home page (as defined in MediaWiki:Mainpage). Therefore it does not 
  show up on the localized home pages you are proofreading

* Don't worry about red links - these will vanish when moving to 

* I have added a newsfeed to most of the right navigation columns. It 
  will automatically fetch the latest 5 news items from 
  news.opensuse.org (English only). If you prefer to manually maintain a 
  list of news, change it ;).

* The Featured Article section:
  The original idea behind this section is, to either highlight certain 
  articles or to use this space for announcements, etc.. This section 
  should primarily be used for localized articles or announcements 
  related to your country/language. For the moment I have put comment 
  signs around this section, feel free to change this.


Frank Sundermeyer, Technical Writer, Documentation
SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
Tel: +49-911-74053-0, Fax: +49-911-7417755;  http://www.opensuse.org/
SUSE Linux Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg)
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