Op dinsdag 11 september 2007 13:53, schreef Frank Sundermeyer:
> Hi,
> the new skin for the wiki is finally ready ;-).
> The new skin requires to update or create the following pages:
> - left navigation (MediaWiki:Sidebar)
> - right navigation of home page (MediaWiki:Mainpagerightcolumn) ->new
> - home page
> - copyright notice Novell (MediaWiki:OsNovellCopyright) ->new
> - copyright notice Community (MediaWiki:OsCommunityCopyright)
> In order to make it as easy as possible for you translators, I have set 
> up
> http://en.test.opensuse.org/index.php?title=ToDo_List_When_Going_Live

I could proofread and change the nl (Dutch) Welcome page, but I could only 
view the source of the other pages. 
I also had to create a new login entry.


Freek de Kruijf
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