
On 9/25/05, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a OSS version working. It is
> > kind of sad, that to get the OSS version usable in normal home
> > environment, one must go out and install non OSS software - let's
> > just hope this changes over the time.
> I don't see what the alternative is. If there is no open-source software
> for a given class of application or if the required algorithms are
> patented, then by definition an pure open-source distribution will omit
> such applications.
> How can it be otherwise?

Like I said, I hope the situation will change so that some day in the
future I can get a working system that does the stuff that is
generally needed for home computing and consist only of OSS software.
Of course, it may be that there is never such time. But I hope
otherwise. And I mean this from the task point of view, not algorithms
or such.

> > So I guess I'll be searching for Novell/SUSE distributor...
> What could be worse, eh? You'll have to put some cash into the system
> that provides the software you want.

The fact that there is none here. Simple as that.
(A few €'s for a working system is much less that spending hours and
hours with google trying to get the system up and running...)


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