On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Alexander Antoniades wrote:

> I do think that this is the problem with communication in many open 
> source projects is that we think that signing up for a users mailing 
> list will give us some insight and say in future releases, whereas it 
> seems to be more of a first level support situation. Some of what this 
> thread is talking about goes beyond offering patches and bug reports and 
> more into the general direction of the project. For example "please 
> don't make OpenSuse yet-another-gtk-centric distribution" isn't exactly 
> a bug report/patch situation. How does someone who's not a developer or 
> Novell employee get involved in the openness you discuss, and find out 
> what's being planned for upcoming releases?

There are many ways to get involved... I'd recommend you to read [1] 
first. Running the latests development version that's available on 
openSUSE.org would be another way to find out where the develment is 
happening. If you want to suggest new features or packages, the wishlists 
on the wiki would be the place to go...


[1] http://www.opensuse.org/How_to_participate

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