Randall R Schulz wrote:

On Wednesday 26 October 2005 08:13, Adam Schuett wrote:
I am encountering java issues that someone informed me was because I
am using the SUSE java distribution, when I need to be using Sun's
direct distribution.

How might I go about removing the SUSE distribution, and what
residual files will I need to watch for after the fact so that it
does not cause problems after installing Sun's package?

I, and perhaps others, would appreciate hearing what kinds of problems you're having and why you think they're related to SuSE's packaging of Sun's Java software.

Could you elaborate a bit?

The problems go very deep, and I was not the author of the code. The basic problem is from communication via DSL lines using VPN, and then accessing the java program on a remote server and the java program then uses an RMI server on an AS400.

We tried several things, and since the author refused to admit it was a coding issue (what's so hard about admitting our code could pack a flaw?), someone had tried this on their 9.3 machine and it worked with no more issues.


For the record, I've had no trouble running Java software on my SuSE 10.0 system now (and my 9.3 before it), including Azureus, Tomcat, Eclipse, jEdit, JUDE and a large Java program of my own authorship.

Randall Schulz

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