On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 13:26 +0100, M.Blackmore wrote:
> to migrate over ... the contents of Evolution 
> However, it doesn't look like Evolution is going to be so easy.
> No luser menus for export anywhere,

Thanks for the collective wisdom, pengiepersons. And as someone said,
this lack of transparent "export" - even if it is simply copy the
contents of .evolution directory into a "file" and then undo them into
the required (and prompted for??) directory on the new box, it is really
a Useability Bug.

What is almost - and often truly is - subliminal absorbed knowledge to a
IT technical person is so out of the information range for those not so
versed as to make it hard to even find the right way to conceptualise
the question about the problem one has, much less articulate it.

Heck, its makes it hard to conceptualise in any meaningful way what the
problem IS to ask a question around.

Imagine the scene: an Aussie squaddie in the middle of the Papua New
Guinea mountains asks a local (who has never seen anyone from the other
side of the ridge in the next valley, much less a European) to "G'day
mate, go fix that radio over there. It ain't transmitting." Presuming
that the chap speaks English, of course. Which he probably doesn't. The
people in the next valley don't either. In fact they speak a totally
unrelated language that is mutually incomprehensible to any valley

Well, thats just the way it feels hereabouts at times - something isn't
simply "doing what I want". Err err err.

There is an old Irish joke it is always worth pondering, for it is both
banal and deep: 

Gentleman asked gobda in the middle of the remotest bog in the west: "Is
that the way to Dublin?"

"Sure 'tis Sir. But if I were you, I wouldn't be starting from here!"

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