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Richard Bos wrote:
> I'll follow.  Let me start with saying that I want to see smart and yum 
> succeed.  I look forward to the day that there is one format package repo 
> format for suse operational.
> Op zaterdag 7 januari 2006 01:54, schreef Pascal Bleser:
>> So about the question what can smart do that yast2's package manager
>> doesn't.
>> There is still much room for improvements, no question about that, but what
>> Christoph meant and what I'd also like to ask: please test it and file bug
>> reports. And if you'd like to contribute in other ways: coding on the
>> project, translating locale messages, writing documentation.
> What does not work: are urls with login and passwords, like:
> ftp://login:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/dir
> This works with yum

Ok, good point to check.
If it doesn't work, it should be added (not very difficult though, it's a 
central component that
handles all file retrieval in smart).

> Why does smart not read the /etc/yum.repos.d directory?  I now have to define 
> the repositories twice :(

Because smart doesn't use yum.
That's one of the nice things about smart: repository metadata support for 
apt-rpm, rpm-md/yum,
yast2, urpmi, ... ... has been implemented in pure Python code, independently 
of whether you have
yum, apt-rpm, yast2, urpmi, etc.. installed or not.
Also, it has a very minimal set of dependencies (python >= 2.3, python-rpm).

Note that the code to import yum.repos.d/* could be added.
The question is whether one really wants that :)

I use rpm-md repositories without having configured any repository in yum.

How do you want to sync between the smart channels and yum yum.repos.d/* ?
- - at installation of smart, once
- - every time smart starts up, but only add channels for yum repos that are 
missing (as channels)
don't remove anything
- - same as above but with prompting the user for every channel
- - explicitely, with a "reposync" (just an example ;)) command in smart
... ?

What could be done very easily is a set of scripts that import
- - yum (/etc/yum.repos.d/*)
- - apt-rpm (/etc/apt/sources.list + /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*)
- - yast2 (installation_sources -s)
repositories into smart.

I already hacked one (not much tested though) for apt-rpm:
And there's another one written by oc2pus: http://www30.websamba.com/texpert/

Same could be done for yum and yast2.

Quickly hacked a prototype for importing yast2 sources:
It even imports the "autorefresh" and "enabled" information.
Run with -n for a dry run.
Disclaimer: early alpha version, untested, use at your own risk ;)

> Smart is not integrated with suse... I mean the "OK" button is at the right 
> side while suse (kde) has it left...  (nothing will be done about it, I 
> know).

Hm. File a bug ? ;)
Maybe a SUSE-specific patch into the smart.rpm, but I'm not sure it's a good 
idea to have a
different UI on SUSE than on other distros ;)

> There is a field labelled alias and another one name (when adding a channel). 
> I think the name field should be labelled "description".  If that would 
> happen the alias field could be labelled "name"...

Yes, might be easier to understand.

>> So, what's so nice about Smart.
>> * mirrors
>> - mirrors are managed globally, for every single operation, because you
>> just define URL mappings (e.g.
>> "http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.0-OSS"; ->
>> "http://ftp.belnet.be/packages/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.0-OSS";), that's
>> it, it will apply for every file retrieval because it's managed by a
>> central component
> Is there a central directory that shows which repositories are available?

No. Remember that smart is not SUSE-specific in any way and already used since 
some time by people
on other distros.

> Something like the /etc/yum.repos.d directory but than on a central server.  
> (Perhaps start on wiki page)?  packman has a mirrorlist file, I have a just 
> created a repodata file, there is one for kolab, but where can these be 
> registered?  How do we know what is available, without searching the whole 
> internet?  Perhaps Eberhard can make a directory that hold links to all the 
> repodata directories on his server?

Similar to the list of repositories on http://opensuse.org

Note that smart has the nice ability to retrieve a list of repositories from a 
text file, e.g.:
smart channel --add 

>> But it has already proven to be very solid and consistent in terms of
>> package management and dependency handling (especially 0.41 that sorts out
>> a lot of bugs that happened on SUSE Linux < 10.1 because of an older RPM
>> version).
> command line tool yummie :)
> Heh, why is the /etc/yum.repos.d so empty when it is installed??  Why does it 
> not come preconfigured with information for base, security, and all the other 
> goodies (of course they could all be disabled).

Smart does, because in my smart.rpm I add those channels (as well as my repo 
and packman).

>> http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/rpm-navigation.php?cat=/System/smart
> It was very easy to install with apt :)
> Do you have a yum repodata directory?

Yes, not much tested/used but should work:
(as well as for 9.3, 9.2, etc...)


> What about the rpmkey rpms?  Will they be supported?  I saw that each rpmkey 
> file has to be configured in the /etc/yum.repos.d/* files?  Why is it that 
> way, why should they be configured in those repository files?

That's a yum thing, not smart ;)

Smart has no rpmkey support AFAIK. Again, could be done as well.

> Sofar my ramblings.  it nice to see that smart works now (this was not the 
> case when a I tested version 0.2 (or something like that) some years ago)


- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
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