On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 01:14:24PM +0100, Sonja Krause-Harder wrote:
> I had hoped that one or two of them were lurking on this list and would
> speak up now. Before I "officially" address the other forums I would
> like to know what we, you, the opensuse community would want to offer
> them. Besides, anybody can go to to the forums and invite them to join
> this discussion, you don't need a @suse.de address for that ;-)

Or the other way around. One of the regulars here who also has some weight
on the forum. If I go there I am sure they will shoot ne down befor I can
press send. If nobody in the comunity has such a weight, I am sure that an
suse.de adress will have such a weight and will be able to get a
discussion going on such a list or at least with the list maintainers on a
much more serious level.

What we could at least do is point them to this discussion and see what
happens. So who is active on forums and can either just post the URLs or
start a discussion about what we are doing here and give feedback?

> > Subscribtion will be needed for posting, reading will be possible without
> > subscribing, just as this would be done with the mailinglist and a forum.
> I don't like this for one reason: the communication styles of mailing
> lists, usenet, and web forums are drastically different. This is not a
> technical problem, but a result of the historical development of
> communication on electronic networks. A merger of the three would result
> in a hybrid thing that nobody wants to use.

I agree. I am just thinking out loud and see where we get with ideas. I
try to be as open minded so the best solution comes to the top.

... the MYSTERIANS are in here with my CORDUROY SOAP DISH!!

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