Stephan Binner wrote:

> You should really visit before posting I think, there is
> a news box on the front page, there is a news page - both pointing to a sum-
> mary of the changes you're complaining not being visible to casual users.

but it's ratehr new, may be set after the previous posting :-).

and it's a hand written add, on a protected page (not
anybody can write this one).

there should also be a way to keep the other <languages>
main pages up. I don't really know how. on the fr one I set
up a "french speaking" event with fosdem, but not on the
front page (I can, but wonder exactly what to do)

I noticed on alionet (forum) some suse infos (french new
Novell People) - should be nice if I could have such info?
is thgere a way for me to have a line from Novell France?




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