... and this is the second question unanswered in SLE.

I've got SUSE 10.0 and use KDE/GNOME supplementary repos. I also use Smart PM build by Pascal and configured following his directions posted on the blog & adding the mirrors of supplementary.

KDE works like a charm, Gnome suffer of some problems the most noticeable of which are:

- ALT + F2 (and similar) doesn't work ... I've had a look on gnome shortcuts on the Control Panel, tried to modifie them but still no result :-(

- when I lauch programs like YaST, Smart I am correctly asked the root password, then the launch process silently fails .... if i launch the app from the root terminal (yast2 &) everything works normally ....

- today, after a "system update" managed from smartpm everything in gnome seems f***ed up ! gnome-panel, evolution, and other things are all in a bad state of installation .... maybe are the repos changing under my feet while I am upgrading ?

  .~.     nicola -=kOoLiNuS=- losito
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