Carlos E. R. schrieb:
> The Saturday 2006-03-25 at 13:28 +0100, houghi wrote:
>>>On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 12:53:22AM +0100, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>>>>I still think that users opinions are important here. Notice that the view 
>>>>some people express that linux is designed by developers and for 
>>>>developers only could become too true.
>>>Users opinions are important. However it is the developers that make and
>>>add the licences, so when you are talking licences, that is the viuwpoint
>>>you need to take. This so you can respect the user who wants a 100% OSS
> Disregarding users opinions, even in this respect, may lead to the point 
> that users dislike the distro or whatever and make it useless. The most 
> important part of any software is users, not developers. It is users 
> using a software who make it a success or a failure, regardless of how 
> good the software is intrinsically.

Right. I'm a user. And I care about having only 100% OSS software very
much. According to your opinion, not respecting my wish may make the
distro useless.

However, if you define "user" as somebody who wants everything for free
and gives nothing back in return, I doubt anybody sees a benefit in
supporting such a "user". A big market share is cool, unless the majority
of that share is a group of people complaining. They will reflect badly
on the product and it is better to keep them away.

Moving pine and pico to non-OSS will not harm anybody since they are still
availbale, but it will give those who like their software pure the option
to stay pure. (And for anything where I rely on speedy security updates
using closed/not-fully-open software is a nightmare. See java/acroread
for examples. If I have to uninstall the software until somebody releases
a fix, I might as well not install it in the first place.)


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