On Monday 08 May 2006 15:20, Pascal Bleser wrote:
> Great, now that's an initiative :)

Thanks, maybe I should've mentioned it's in Danish, which of course limits 
it's relevance to ~6 million people ;)

> Do you plan to sell it as a book or could it be turned into a
> collaborative effort ?

It'll be online - under the GFDL with no invariant sections.

> When I was talking about a lack of information, this is an example as
> well. Unless you've barely started with it, it should be mentioned on
> the wiki and possibly even be opened to other community members who'd
> want to participate.

I had added a link to it here http://en.opensuse.org/Communicate a while ago. 
Seems somebody's deleted or moved all non-English references.. anybody got 
any idea where they might have been moved to? 

Actually I've been doing these beginner's guides since 9.3 - the prolonged 
10.1-beta phase has meant I've had a lot of time to work on the 10.1 guide 
though ;)  

But I'm not much of a graphical designer or webdeveloper which shows - but 
it's definitely a lot better than my previous efforts. 

Getting all flattered by people showing interest I've put it online a bit 
early for y'all to see:

Of course you can't understand it - but I think you'll get the general idea - 
it's aimed at absolute beginner's and only contains very basic stuff. I'm 
considering translating it into English - but I'd need better hosting for 
that. Certainly could be turned into a community effort - could be put on the 
wiki with no problems - other than the screenshots perhaps(?).


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