On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 01:12 +0200, Marcus Rueckert wrote:
> On 2006-05-15 01:07:40 +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> > If the 10.1 box doesn't have the admin book, I think I'm not buying it. I 
> > intended to, but if there is no book, I won't :-(
> > 
> > No sources, no book... what on earth do I get that I can't download 
> > myself?
> there is a printed book in the box.

I guess you have -not- been involved with SUSE for very long. There used
to be -two- books one of which was an admin book which is no longer
available. And now there is -no- pdf replacement. What a shame, a very
good distro going to the dogs. I can just imagine what the bean counters
were saying:

"If we stop shipping the admin book and the sources DVD no one will
notice and we can save $X.00 per box"

Well many people have noticed and they also noticed the price drop as
well. If Novell had kept the price the same and included the admin book
and the sources DVD --many-- more people would be much happier and would
be buying the distro instead of just downloading the distro.

Ken Schneider
UNIX  since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE  since 1998

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