On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 02:04:45PM +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> If there is no admin book, I don't have any reason to buy the distro, 
> that's how it is. I can not justify it, I don't have excuses anymore, 
> sorry. A pity.
>  * Install support? I'm not a beginner, the problems I may have are not 
> covered. 
>  * No network? Not anymore, download it.
>  * Admin book? Nop.
> Plonk the box.
> I hope you tell this to your decision makers.

The decision makers knew that there would be a drop in sales. It was less
then anticipated for 10.0. You not selling the box is not a real thread as
the box is not a money maker for Novell.

So no excuses are needed. ;-)

Nutze die Zeit. Sie ist das Kostbarste, was wir haben, denn es 
ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Werk
und Arbeit,  und das Sein wichtiger als das Tun                                 
                                        - Johannes Müller-Elmau

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