Marcus Meissner wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 09:45:10PM +0200, Harry ten Berge wrote:
>> Marcus Meissner wrote:
>>>> So what is being done about it? The only thing I'm hearing so far is
>>>> that there will be an update any time soon. What is soon?
>>> Next week hopefully. We have a test repo online already and fixing
>>> the last critical bugs.
>>>> But you're right about the community thing. That's why I asked what is
>>>> wrong with smart. But that's clarified now...
>>>> Besides that, I really don't know what we can do about it in the community.
>>>> The one thing I can think of is a general discussion about package
>>>> management for 10.2. I don't mean the technical implementation,
>>>> because Novell has decided that zmd/rug is the solution. But the huge
>>>> amount of different repository types, the way you must add additional
>>>> repos.... For newbies (I've got some friends I convinced to try 10.1)
>>>> it's way to difficult. That is something we think about in the community...
>>> See opensuse-factory, where AJ started one...
>> Ok, I'll take a look...
>> On a side note: do you know if there are plans to develop a KDE native
>> updater applet?
> Yes. We even have found a student who wants to do it ;)
> Btw, the previous YOU watcher just run a commandline program 
> ("online_update")...
> It could be ported to just call "rug"... ;)
> Ciao, Marcus

Thanks Marcus.

Great to see this happening. I was becoming a little bit paranoid about
the whole 'package management/gnome/kde' stuff.

Am I correct to say that with the zmd/rug stuff you can actually push
updates to machines? So it's not only polling for updates at the
repository but a way to force this from a management console/gui thingy?

Regards Harry

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