On Saturday 19 August 2006 20:56, jim tate wrote:
> > Open YaST2 from your menu.  It's listed as YAST under the
> > System>Configuration>YaST heading.  From there, go to Network
> > Devices, where you'll find Modem.  Select that, it will open,
> > should find the modem and from there you configure the ISP and
> > other settings for it. If indeed it's a hardware modem, there
> > should be few if any problems, but again, don't forget to set the
> > time out to zero to eliminate the connection from terminating
> > early.  Once that's done, KPPP & wvdial will be set to make your
> > connection.  An icon in your systray, bottom right, will appear for
> > dialup but if not, just start kppp from the menu the first time.
> >
> > Lee
> I got the modem to connect with wvdial and  firefox browses..
> Can't get Kppp to connect, it can't open the modem at ttyS1, the
> settings in wvdial.conf and kppp are the same
> but it won't pick up modem.
> I can't find a dialer for the settings in Yast.
> Jim
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Ok, sounds like you are half way there.  Do you know how to use Yast2?  
It's pretty easy, if you just follow the instructions.  You really need 
to get a handle on that.

There is no modem dialer in yast2, only the setup.  If you set the modem 
up correctly in yast2, then you'll get an icon in your systray that 
will automatically dial up the number you insert for your ISP in yast2 
modem setup.

I don't know if there are some instructions with images somewhere to 
help you do this, but it sounds like you need it.  Guys help him out 
here, anything in wiki or the SuSE help?  I found something in SuSE 
help files for using the kppp wizard to help with images.  That might 
help, but you still need to do your modem setup in yast2 Jim.  That's a 
must and you're going to have to do a bit of leg work yourself, unless 
you can get someone to log into your machine to do it for you.

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