On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 12:34:36PM -0700, J Sloan wrote:
> Robert Schiele wrote:
> > So what is the advantage of Linux then if you easily give up its major
> > advantage, namely being open-source?
> The advantage is that linux is a modern, robust, full-featured unix
> variant. It's stable, and performs well, and is amazingly useful in
> diverse situations. It's a great application platform, embedded server,
> or power user desktop. I use a suse desktop for gaming/multimedia as
> well as work related tasks.
> The fact that it's open source is a bug plus, but there are rapidly
> decreasing benefits to the insistence that no closed source software be
> allowed to interoperate with the kernel. I'm not ready to say goodbye to
> sexy video drivers and great video performance, trading them in for a
> clunky, sluggish desktop experience, all in the name of keeping the evil
> closed source drivers out.
> I just want things to work, and I think most computer users feel the
> same way. and in linux all things should work *at least* as well as in
> windows, if not a lot better.

Read Al Viros essay on this topic. (nightmare before christmas or so)

Linux worked fine without binary kernel drivers too, even in the desktop
space. MGA G400 ruled then.

Ciao, Marcus
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