On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 12:29:40PM +0200, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> I was a bit short: The problem is especially with release products.
> Your release today -9 and in a month -20 - with just one change.  This
> confused a lot of customers and partners, they asked for the other 10
> changes...

You must have really stupid customers and partners.  Accept my deep sympathy
for this.

> > Huh?  What is the real _problem_ with just telling the truth that the 
> > package
> > number increased due to a dependency rebuild?
> People just not getting it. :-(.  Trust me, this is a real problem.

So development decission are typically driven by people that have no clue?

Honestly, if I have to decide in a project I tend to run away from vendors
that do the wrong thing just because some stupid people ask them to do so.
But I agree with you that if you have more stupid customers than intelligent
ones it might be smarter to serve the stupid ones.  I still wonder where all
these stupid people come from.  If I explain dependency resolution algorithms
to our freshman students most of them get it.


Robert Schiele
Dipl.-Wirtsch.informatiker      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."

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