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> > What sales of GPL software? What they sell/give away/deal with is the
> > SLES and SLED upgrades. If I want to download SLES, I just do so. If I
> > want to have updates, I must go to Novell and get a licence *for those
> > updates*.
> I want to see the justification of why Novell is paying microsoft a percentage
>  of what it makes on supposedly Non infringing code.
> I want to see just which Microsoft patents Novell is using and in which
> OSS packages they are inserting this use to justify these payments.
> I want to see why Microsoft is paying Novell huge chunks of money
> for use of WHAT?

Who says the payment if for infringing code?  Maybe the payments are to
get virtual machines both ways.  Maybe to get access to inside details to
provide better inter-operability?  Maybe it is for a start in a new
direction?  Only time will tell in this.

> I want clarification on just how it is that Microsoft will not Sue Suse
> developers for infringements (which by Novell's assertion don't exist anyway)
> but no other developers in the OSS get this protection.

I know a lot of business have hesitated because of what Microsoft has
said.  Maybe this was MS's way to allow the OSS community to self
destruct.  I see much more FUD from inside our community than any thing MS
has done since the annoucement.  Maybe they realized that we are our own
worst enemy.  Why do they need to do any thing other than annouce an
agreement.  We are shooting ourselves much better than they ever could
have done.  Just look at all the fuss inside the community.  It we are
going to condem inter-opability then we need to codem Samba, Mono,....
After all they are not our protocols.  But there was a need to have
inter-opability.  We have to co-exist.  After all Linux is not the
dominate OS.  I see this agreement as a means for Novell to get larger
companies to consider using Linux.  After all if one Linux will run on
windows or Linux will allow windows to run on Linux it is a really bad
thing.  Right?  This is a big bad result according to everything being
said against the agreement.  I think MS saw the bigest enemy and it was
ourselves.  They just have to sit back and see all the in-fighting.  The
best thing we all can do is stop condeming each other and see what happens
this would then be a better result.  Sure we all have concers, but why
don't we wait till they happen and then shell out the condemnation.  The
MS looses in there bringing down Linux or maybe they have finally realized
that they have to make peace.  Only time will tell in that matter.

> Further, I would like to see Novell repudiate this whole idea of protecting
> only SOME developers (of code which Novell insists does not infringe), but
> only if they work for Novell or stop contributing work to Open Source
> Software community.
> Extend it to everybody, or take it off the table.

>From what I have heard MS is willing to talk with other Linux Distro's,
but after all the Novell is evil, they can not then make a deal or come
under the same condemation.  We are our worst enimies on this.  MS does
not have to do anything.  We will hang ourselves.

If you have a good question ask it on the provided link on the Novell
site.  Maybe your question will be posted with an answer.  Ranting hear is
not going to get the Suites to hear it, but asking at the right place may
just get a response.  Maybe even the IRC channel may provide some more
information.  But lets not let MS win by turning us against ourselves?
Let's ask our questions, be cautious, and see what happens.  We can all
trust MS to be MS, but why can't we trust each other to be a bit more into
the OSS philosiphy.  And see if we can not convice some of the Business
types to take up our philosiphy?  I had not intended to add fuel to the
fire just to provide a notice that we are able to ask more questions to
other's higher up the corperate chain.

- --
ZENEZ   1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah  84047
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