Thanks, Felix.

One of the hallmarks of losing any argument is failing to address any of the points made, and attacking something else. (Not you, Felix.)

While I typically sign with the "RP" - anyone is free to sign however they wish.

I know of one particular Linux contributor who signs with a fake name, for privacy reasons. I don't myself, but find it interesting at those who do.

By the way, I've made comments before when the founders of SuSE and Mandrake quit their respective companies over what they viewed as poor business decisions.

Again, I still hope that Linux as a whole receives an increase in notoriety over this, and as generally happens, things even themselves out.


Felix Miata wrote:
How about lightening up? I don't know Renegade Penguin is a fake name
any more or less than Randall Schulz is or isn't fake. Whatever moniker
anyone uses routinely ought to be plenty good enough for identification
purposes on a mailing list, particularly in garbage threads like this
that we have an overabundance of lately.
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