On Monday 27 November 2006 14:43, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> At 07:58 PM 11/27/2006 +0100, A. den Oudsten wrote:
> >> Try another editor. Use "su -", not "su".
> >>
> >> - --
> >> Cheers,
> >>        Carlos E. R.
> /snip/
> What editors other than the user-unfriendly vi and emacs are available
> in a root console?  I tried KWrite, but it was not recognized, and if
> I ever got into vi or emacs I would do more harm than good!

Bring up your CLI  (alt-F2 or a console) 
Type kdesu kwrite
Sign in with root password when asked
Kwrite opens - edit to your heart's content

Bob S.
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