Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>>> Not Thunderbird nor any webmail client.
>> well wada you expect   the windBloZe infection   again webmail  total dire 
>> crap ..
>> Pete   Kmail 1.9.3  and no proplems with list mail   member of around 15 
>> lists .
> Just cut it already if you are not going to produce something useful 
> (like the procmail recipe - thanks at this point to Rob Unsworth). It's 
> interesting to see _you_ talking about "windbloze" though you are using 
> kmail -- a click-and-colorful GUI like ... Windows users use.

But he's running it a unix OS, not windoze... Claiming that anything GUI is
somehow like windoze is just plain silly.

> Even unrelated to that, saying things like "winbloze" reveals the 
> naiveness and FUD that hides behind "windows sucks linux rocks" 
> statements.

IMHO there's nothing naive about saying that windoze sucks, rather it' a sign
of sentient life!



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