the remainder, at most one quarter do not set a reply-to header back to
the list. Among those that do set a reply-to header back to the list:
Debian, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Fedora, Fontconfig, KDE, MC. Among those that
do not: Samba.

OK, interesting.  I don't subscribe to Fedora, Mandriva etc, and with
my Ubuntu stuff I use the forums.

Well, at least the openSUSE list isn't alone in the Reply-to
formatting... and that's a good point for all involved who are
grousing about how this list is set up.  This list isn't the only one,
as Felix kindly indicated several others - and not obscure mailing
lists either - that use the same Reply-to formatting as we do here.

Thanks, I appreciate your info on this :-)

(I wonder if there is the same degree of moaning and gnashing of teeth
over the Reply-to formatting on these other lists as there is here?)

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