John Meyer wrote:
> Fred A. Miller wrote:

>> You can't win the desktop if you don't even try. Right now, few in the
>> Linux world are seriously trying. And time is running out.
> I've heard this argument too many times to count.
> With all due respect to the author, the argument is based on the
> assumption that we want to be mainstreram, that we want everybody and
> their grandmother to be running Linux.  Personally, I don't.

Unfortunately, it's not about being mainstream anymore - at this point, it's
about viability, period.

If linux can't achieve enough of a critical mass on the desktop to matter,
microsoft will be able to leverage control of all the onramps, so to speak, to
the "information highway", and then it's game over. Unless of course, you're
content to use linux on a hobbyist basis, without meaningful access to the
most internet content, constituting nothing more than small islands of
hopeless, irrelevant rebellion in a microsoft world.

I agree with esr's contention that somebody needs to get the ball rolling, and
to waste no time.

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