On Sun, 2006-12-24 at 21:34 -0800, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Sunday 24 December 2006 20:55, J Sloan wrote:
> > > ...
> >
> > No need. Perhaps I was too hasty to dismiss your questions - Each of
> > the points you reference above can be easily grasped with just a bit
> > of thought, but I hesitate to put a lot of work into explaining all
> > these points if you're really determined not to understand.
> On the contrary. I want a discussion that is not dripping with 
> ambiguity, imagery and allusion and not so laden with emotion. Nothing 
> good is served by carrying on in that manner. You could call it FUD...
> > The bottom line is that you apparently see no danger to linux, but I
> > do - as for the details, they will have to await another post, when I
> > have some time to laboriously explain each of the common terms used
> > above.
> In fact, I see no danger to Linux because you cannot destroy an idea. 
> Linux is too entrenched and too important to far too many individuals 
> and organizations, including large business concerns, distributed all 
> over the globe to be allowed to die or be killed.

  The quibble I have with this statement is that you missed what I
consider to be an essential point, i.e. unlike other OS's that
businesses have used in the past e.g. OS2, Linux is open source, hence
any set of competent programmers _can_ keep it going.  It's open nature,
IMO, is proof against easy demise.

> Consider the RIM / Blackberry suit. It was resolved because the 
> technology was just too damn important to too many "important" people 
> in the U.S. (i.e., people willing to shell out huge bucks to be 
> distracted by their email at all times in all places) to be allowed to 
> go dark. The same holds for Linux, only in a much less frivolous way.

  An interesting take on that.  I believe that it was only, all about
the money, not about protecting the IP.  But then I'm biased in favour
of RIM, as they are Canadian.

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