On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 19:33 -0500, Digvijoy Chatterjee wrote:
> I love Linux and Suse ,and i had no qualms abt  struggling  for 2
> weeks before I am all set , do u expect a newbie to buy a laptop and
> break his head like this ,  or would he rather pay those exorbitant
> charges and get a peace of mind and use his laptop....
> Is Linux really really ready for "ALL" Desktops ..????

This is a totally unfair comparison. some guy payed exclusively to
install, configure and test M$ on that laptop probably spent the better
part of a day making that "pre-installed" image, an I might add with no
doubt direct phone support from the hardware manufacturers of all
peripheral chipsets. 

It's not Linux that is the problem it's the hardware manufacturers,
I'm sure that even the guy doing the same thing at Apple takes a few
days to get a new platform running smooth and Apple is it's own hardware

Let's face it, if Lenovo, HP, or Dell pre-installed and set up 
SmartPM or one of the other repo's, using linux and getting software for
daily use would be just as easy. as getting your laptop from the store
was for you. p.s and a 3rd less cost.

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