Art Fore schrieb:
> Have not been able to get the V3 Razr to work with my Dell Latitude D820
> running Suse 10.2. Here is the scenario
> Linux is running kblutoothd and the bluZ has been enabled in Yast with
> default settings.
> My D820 can see a colleague's computer (Win XP) on bluetooth and is
> shows up with bluetooth:/ in konqueror.
> I can connect and download the V3 on the colleague's computer after
> doing the paring.
> My D820 does not see the V3 even in discovery mode. When you put the V3
> in discovery, it is supposed to be 6i0 secconds, but only last 5 or 10
> seconds as if it has been discovered, still nothing shows up in
> kbluetooth.
> I try the handsfree, look for devices on the V3, it finds nothing during
> its scan on my computer, on the other computer it says it found one
> device.
> So, both computers are working and the v3 works with only one computer
> (BRW, both are Dell Latitude, one a D820, the other D620).
> Searched the web and documentation, but did not find too much on the
> kbluetooth as far as operating it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

try to do a
hcitool scan
on commandline

and to get info or connection via hcitool

my Moto L2 worked after switching it visible
 several times
till my MSI-SUSE10.2-Notebook asked for the Bluetooth-passkey which is
default 0000

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